Nila Braun
Lead Designer + Founder
All designers have a story, and here is mine. In this “little” house, my dream started. I spent my childhood clear into my pre-teen years playing with this custom-built Barbie house (made with love by my father.) I didn’t play with the dolls as much as I played with the house. Building beds from tissue boxes, making pillows with cut fabric stuffed with cotton balls, drawing on the walls, applying paper to the wall like it was wallcovering, fixing broken pieces, asking my dad to remodel it for me. I would spend all day and night designing my house.
My passion for design comes from my father, grandfather, and grandmother. They all worked with their hands in different ways that are seen in homes today. I would sit in the shop and watch my dad work, asking him, “how does this work?” and “why did you do it that way?”. I still ask contractors those questions about designs and how they will execute them.

My determination to build something came from years of small minds telling me that I couldn’t have this dream and live in our small city. I love Sioux City; it is home. I have a huge passion for serving the locals that reside in it. I have an even greater passion for proving the bullies wrong.
My education comes from years of interest, alongside years of refinishing furniture, antique shopping, and problem solving. Of course, the 4-year degree in Interior Design helps too. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science Degree in 2017. During those years, I refinished furniture, worked alongside my dad, worked for a high-end furniture store in Sioux City, worked for a Kitchen & Bath Showroom, and lastly, before relocating to Purpose, I worked at a full-service Interior Design studio.
My strength and hope come from a greater purpose for my life. Pushed into my calling and trusting the process is what gives me fulfillment. My client’s see this passion and joy when they work alongside me. I have a purpose and passion for design, and I cannot wait to fulfill my purpose alongside you.